California is working on Citizens United

The Citizens United decision is one of the worst in the entire history of SCOTUS. This forum is for discussions of how to get this reversed.
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Bryan Kelly
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:04 pm

California is working on Citizens United

Post by Bryan Kelly »

Here is the text of a article about a California bill in the legislature.
Help California close the money loophole! When five corrupt and on-the-take Republicans on the US Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United that foreign corporations could “invest” (my word, not theirs) in US elections, they blew open the doors of the American political system to international corruption and the disintegration of our democracy. Now a group of California legislators are trying to right that wrong by passing a law they call “The Get Foreign Money Out of California Elections Act.” They need 54 sponsors to get it into and through the California Assembly, but so far only have 50. If you live in California (or know anybody who does) let your state Assembly-person know they should co-sponsor and vote for this vital piece of legislation that could be the beginning of a national trend to take back our republic.
It was found here: ... surprised/

I will be writing to my assembly member about this. Please help on this one.
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