Personal Web Site

Roots of Misogyny


Misogyny is frequently on my mind. I don’t pretend to be free of this behavior, but I do try. Politics for the last decades continues to show its bad traits. We now have the first woman as vice president. We are up to 28% female in the House and 31% in the Senate. The trend is improving, but way too slow. To my opinion, the trend is not any better in business. Why do we have this trait of misogyny? Some thought has led me to suspect this behavior is deep within our DNA. Its origin may date back to the origin of mammals, and maybe well before that. A short essay along those lines is posted here

Musical Scales

My daughter decided to take cello lessons, leading me to try my hand at violin. Maybe I might get to the point where we can play a duet together. That would be cool. Learning a couple of scales led to the thoughts of the frequencies of each note. That led to a bit of research and my discovery that the intervals between each half step of the chromatic scale is quite consistent. An explanation and the numbers is here

Black Hole Maximum Size

Please suspend disbelief for a bit and consider the possibility that a black hole might have a maximum size. A size beyond which it cannot exist. As a black hole becomes larger and larger, the conditions inside may become more and more extreme. At some point those conditions may become too extreme for matter to exist. Then what? Please read the essay: Black Hole Max Size.

Double Observation

I have concieved of a thought experiment that shows the possibility of determining your speed within absolute space. Yes, implementation is probably not possible. Still, an exercise in theory can produce some interesting and useful results. Please read it here.

More will be added here soon.

Bryan Kelly, Jan 2023
email to b1 at