Black Hole Explosion and the Heterogeneity of our Universe

Bryan Kelly

First concept: about 2006


I have watched many documentaries about how we think the universe was began and evolved.  The big bang theory states that it began from a singularity, an infinitely tiny speck of nothing.  It was a time when there was no place, and belying the opening phrase, where there was no time.  Then, apparently quite suddenly, the universe exploded into existence.


To my knowledge, we don’t know what was there before the big bang began.  We don’t know the cause.  This essay does propose a possible cause.


If there was indeed nothing, then what precipitated the big bang?  To every event, there is a cause.  Can something that does not exist just pop itself into existence?  Well probably not.  But I have yet to find a theory of what might have been such a cause. 


So, I have theorized a possible cause.


A Cause of the Universe

At least one theory conceptualizes two or more universes in different planes of existence collide or cross at some point and the result is the creation of what we know.  Maybe what we see just leaked in from some other parallel universe and became what we know.


But that just begs the question.  Where did those universes come from?  How did they come to exist?


Let’s consider some concepts and allow me to present a new possible theory for the creation of our universe. 


As we examine our universe, we now see indications that there is a super massive black hole at the center of every galaxy.  Observations of the center of our galaxy show that stars near the center are orbiting at incredible speeds.  A Bing search states that start S4714 is moving at 15,000 miles per second.  That is 54 million miles per hour.  More than the distance between our earth and sun every two hours.  And the calculated mass of Sag A is 4.154 million times the size of our sun. But there is nothing we can see for the stars to orbit.  Not that can be seen directly.  So, we have made the perfectly rational conclusion that there is a super massive black hole in there.   And there appears to be one in the center of all the galaxies.  In some of them, there appears to be two or more orbiting each other while the stars of the galaxy are busy orbiting them.  Quite intriguing.


We also have concluded that black holes can merge to become even larger black holes.  This is even more intriguing.  This begs the question: How large, or maybe, how massive can a black hole get?  Could there be a point where a black hole cannot be any more massive?


Explore that thought for a moment.  While we have many calculations, I suspect that we do not truly know what shape or form matter takes once it passes the event horizon of a black hole.  Can it really be compressed down to essentially nothing?  To become a singularity, that would have to happen.


Infinite Size and Density

Check the definition of a singularity, an infinitely tiny point.  Note the word infinitely.  But if something is compressed down to a single point, with no linear dimensions, infinitely small, why is that not,.., nothing? 

Regardless of how small you can imagine for infinitely small; it is smaller than what you imagine.  If the singularity is infinitely small, then the matter there is infinitely dense.  Any amount of matter that is infinitely small must be infinitely dense.


Consider this with a bit more detail.  Begin with something infinitely small and make it twice as large.  It would remain infinitely small.  Make it twice as large again, and again.  If it were infinitely small, it would still be infinitely small.


Then consider density.  Density works the same way.  If something were infinitely dense, then if it were to became twice the size, it would remain infinitely dense.  Regardless of how large it became; it would remain infinitely dense.  That is what the word infinity means. 

Without limit.


For these reasons I suggest that the mass of a black hole is not a singularity.  It cannot be infinitely small, and it cannot be infinitely dense.  The fact that we can observe stars orbiting a black hole, and calculate a probable mass for both the black hole, and the stars, tells us the mass of the black hole cannot be infinite. So, this essay presumes the center of a black hole has: some dimension, some specific mass, and some specific density.


But those arguments are not the endpoint of this essay.


Ignore the singularity concept and consider a black hole and its mass.  What might happen if the black hole at the center of a galaxy eventually consumes all or maybe just most of the stars and other matter in the galaxy?  So far as we know, this is a possibility.


Once we get there, we might have a galaxy of billions of large black holes.  No galaxies, just black holes.  Ok, there may be some number of stars that continue to orbit the black hole.  Or maybe the remnants of some number of stars.


The next step is to consider that the black holes combine to produce a relatively few truly enormous black holes.  Some of them with masses measured in terms of billions of galaxies.


Consider the possibility that at some time in the past, and maybe in the future, black holes had consumed the majority of the matter in their galaxies.  There is a black hole where a galaxy once resided.  Continue that train of thought such that there are billions of black holes where billions of galaxies once existed.  Then some lesser number black holes each of which with the mass of some billions of galaxies.   Combine the black holes to form fewer and few black holes until there are but a few black holes.  Each one containing the mass of billions of galaxies.


In what state would that matter exist?  Let’s assume that what ever is in this enormous black hole is some form of matter.  A very reasonable conclusion since stars around black holes orbit as though the mass is within the black hole.  If this black hole is so massive as to contain the matter of billions of galaxies, how extreme would be that environment?


Here is the suggested concept.  When sufficient hydrogen, for example, gathers together to form and ignite a star, the conditions at the center of the star become quite extreme.  As more mass is added to create a huge star, the conditions in the center of the star become more extreme.  Add sufficient hydrogen and the star collapses to become a black hole.  (For this thought train, please ignore all the possible intermediate star state and progress directly to the black hole condition.)


First this is a minimum sized black hole with some extreme conditions at the center.  Even within a minimal sized black hole, we lack the knowledge to specify exactly what those conditions are.  We can postulate that with regard to our limited knowledge, the conditions are extreme.  We can also presume that with each increment of additional matter added to the black hole, the pressure and condition within the black hole is bound to become more extreme.


Continue the process of adding matter in units of Sol, the mass of our sun.  Then in millions of Sols, followed by billions of Sols.  With each addition of mass, the conditions at the center of the black hole can be considered to be more extreme. There will eventually be the point where this black hole contains the same mass as exists in our entire Milky Way.  Follow that by adding the mass of billions of galaxies.  How extreme might the conditions be at the center of such a black hole.

The Point


Maybe, matter just cannot exist in those conditions.  Maybe there is an upper limit to the conditions under which it exists?  In this imagined universe of but a few black holes, imagine further that one of them is slightly less that the largest possible size.  It then merges with another black hole such that the combined mass is larger than the largest possible black hole.


The conditions within the joined black hole have become too extreme for matter to exist.  What might happen to matter if it just could not exist?  The matter cannot be destroyed.


The answer is in E = mc2. When two hydrogen atoms to combine to make new atoms, plus a few extra particles and some energy, the sum of the particles is less than the two original atoms.  The lost mass is translated into energy.  I am not sure, but suspect that we do not know the precise methods by which the lost matter was translated into energy.  But for our discussion, it is clear there is some mechanism for matter to translate to energy.  (If only we could find and harness that precise method.) Let us also presume that said mechanism will work for massive amounts of matter.


Regarding our enormous black hole containing the mass of billions of galaxies, with the matter within the black hole under truly extreme conditions.  Next, suppose that matter cannot exist under such extreme conditions.  Then when two black holes combine, the total of which makes a black hole so large it cannot exist, then by some mechanism, all the matter within the black hole translates into energy.  It could happen instantaneously, or more likely, over some finite period of time.  Short as compared to the existence of a universe, but finite just the same.


The Conversion

Now we have the energy equivalent to the matter of hundreds of billions of galaxies concentrated in a relatively small location.  Where just a short time ago there were two black holes in the process of combining into one, now there exists an incredible amount of energy.  Instead of the black hole, there is energy.  Instead of the mass of billions of galaxies, there is the energy representing all those stars and galaxies.  No mass. An incredibly large amount of pure energy, in a relatively small place.  That would be a huge explosion.  A big bang!


Now that explosion could be so massive and so complete that the explosion and everything thing within it (presuming that energy can be thought of as some thing.) is completely homogenous. The temperature and energy density might be the same every where within the confines of the explosion.  And indeed, that much energy would probably distort time and space, as certainly the parent black hole did.  But that would not mean that time and space did not exist before the black hole(s) exploded. 

Side Effects

Indeed, there may be other black holes and galaxies relatively near the one that exploded.  Maybe one or more of the nearby black holes was close to its upper mass limit and ready to explode itself.  The shock wave from the first one might just set it off into its own translation into energy and its own explosion.  Maybe even a chain reaction of multiple similar explosions.  There could be other stars and galaxies in the region that would be swept up in the explosion.  This would generate multiple regions of differing pressures, temperatures and densities.  That universe, or possibly more correctly, that section of the universe, would not be homogenous. 


This fits the proposed concept that the universe was not homogenous.


As the expansion continues to expand for some billions of years, what is destined to become our part of the universe would cool down and the temperatures would fall, moving towards absolute zero.  As there is no temperature less than absolute zero, the temperature of everything would begin to close in on that limit. Approaching but never reaching absolute zero.  Maybe it would all cool down to the condition where the difference between the hottest and the coldest points would be only a few hundredths or a few thousandths of a degree. After some billions of years of expansion, it might even appear as our observable universe appears to us now.  A rather homogenous universe and consistent background radiation.


One of the requirements for a theory is that it be testable.  This theory is testable.  It is testable in today’s universe, at least in theory.


As we observe the various galaxies in our universe, we note that, with some exceptions, all are moving away from us.  We detect this by measuring the red shift of the light from almost all of the galaxies.  A red shift indicates the object is moving away, a blue shift indicates it is moving towards us.

But this is not just a binary concept.  Consider a train on railroad tracks.  As it approaches us there is an upshift in the frequency of its horn, and a downshift as it moves away.  But clearly that does not mean the train is moving directly away from us, or directly towards us.  In the same manner, other galaxies in the universe may not be moving directly away from us.  If we could see the larger picture, they are moving directly away from the origin.


Return to the analogy of the train.  If we were looking from above, we can draw the observer and the train on a two-dimensional graph.  Presume the train is moving only along the X axis and the person is standing in the middle of the tracks.  The train would have velocity only in the X axis.  This holds for both approaching and departing trains.


But move the observer off the tracks, and, with respect to the observer, the train now has velocity along both X and Y axes.  This is easy to see from our perspective above the two-dimensional train graph. 


Further, imagine that the observer in our graph can detect the train only by its whistle and the pitch of that whistle.  If the train is approaching or departing, the observer can detect the closing or opening velocity, but not the direction.  However, for example, if the observer could detect the position of the train relative to other objects, then the observer could check for angular motion and determine if the train were moving on a course other than directly toward or away.


At the current time, we can only observe the wavelengths of the light.  This provides opening or closing velocities.  However, if we can observe positional change of near or distant galaxies with respect to other objects, then we may be able to plot a complete vector of each galaxy’s trajectory.  I propose that if such vectors are discovered, they will not meet in a common point.


There is other supporting evidence that not all galaxies are not moving away from a single point of origin.  There is compelling evidence that there have been many galactic collisions and that many galaxies have combined into larger galaxies.  For a relatively local reference, the Andromeda Galaxy has a redshift of z = 0.001. 

(reference:  It is moving towards us, not away.


There appear to be two options.  Either the Milky Way galaxy or the Andromeda made a significant turn in space, or they did not start from the same origins.


This paper suggests that the big bang origin was not from a single location, but from multiple locations.  This implies that there was not a single big bang, but multiple bangs.  Further, the probability is that multiple big bangs were separated in both time and in space.


Expansion of space-time

An internet search for “how large is the universe” reveals sizes on the order of 93 billion light years.  But the universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion years old.  This presents a paradox since matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light.  Half of 93 billion lightyears is 46.5 light years.  That would be the distance from the edge of the universe to the center or the original place of the explosion.  This is more than three times the distance light can travel in that period.  The paradox is resolved by declaring that space and time itself are expanding.


But to the casual observer, there are serious problems.  46.5 / 13.7 = 3.39.  The average rate of expansion of the universe is 3.39 times the speed of light.   It is not possible for light to get from one galaxy to the next.  Is the expansion non-uniform?  How non-uniform it is?


One thought experiment is to presume we could place two stars exactly one light year apart and with no velocity between them.  One year later there will be more than one light year between them because the space time between them is expanding.  Will light ever get from either star to the other?


These concepts present additional problems.  Space time is distorted by mass.  When energy and mass move through space time they tend to move in a straight line.  But if they move past another mass, that straight line is no longer straight. 


Of course, this has its down caveats.  From the perspective of the moving mass, the now curved space time and the movement remains straight.  From an observing party some distance away, the curving is apparent.


Keeping on topic and striving to avoid too many rabbit holes, space time is distorted by mass.  In order to be distorted, space time must be, something.  It is not, nothing. 


This is a reminder of the discredited theory of the luminiferous aether.  This essay does not attempt to discredit the tests and experiments which prove that the luminiferous aether does not exist.  But it does recognize that space time can be distorted.  That distortion causes mass to travel in other that straight lines.  Therefore, space time is indeed “something.”


Return to our newly exploded and expanding universe, where space time is expanding.  For the universe to exist, there must be a place for it to exist.  This place is what we call space time.  We don’t know what it is, but it is “something.”  And it is expanding.


Can space time be created from nothing?  Is some of the energy and/or mass of the universe being converted into space time such that space time can expand?  If that is not the case, can space time be expanded forever, without limit.  Possibly even more fundamental: If nothing existed before the big bang, then where could it happen?  How could the big bang have had a place to happen?


The suspicion is that we do not know and we lack the information to discover these answers.


However, there is a partial resolution to these several paradoxes.


Return to the postulated black holes of the universe, the time when the mass of the universe was collected into one or a relatively few black holes.  And consider the concept that mass distorted space time.


All mass distorts space time.  It pulls space time towards the mass.  A black hole has sufficient mass such that the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light.  Nothing can escape.  The meaning of this is that the space time in the immediate vicinity of the black hole is so distorted there are no directions that lead out of the black hole.  Space time has been pulled in towards the black hole.


Now consider how the universe got there, meaning the state of a few huge black holes, and what happens as that condition developed.  As each black hole develops, it pulls some amount of space time into the local area.  The holes distort space time.  However, no more than the original matter did when spread about a huge universe.  But, in this proposed scenario, galaxies collapsed into black holes, and multiple galaxies collapsed into ever larger black holes.  The space time of the entire universe condense with these black holes.  The result is that at the time of the big bang, all the space time of the entire universe was pulled in rather close to the few huge black holes. 


When the black holes became too large to exist and exploded into the big bang, the mass no longer existed, and all that space time that was gathered together was released.  It began expanding.  As energy condensed to mass, it had inertia, meaning it was moving out from the center of the explosion.  So, at the time of the big bang, the space time of the universe began expanding.  And continues to do so today.



These are the suppositions proposed by a non-scientist.  They make some pretty good sense to me.  Obviously.  Maybe just a few of them are right.  Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.