They Hold Office
Yes, these people actually hold official government offices here in these United States. Despite their extremely bad and anti-democratic behavior, they are in positions to affect and control our society. Some of them even have authority to write and pass laws for our country. As is apparent, this is a problem. If enough of these people get in office, it is bye-bye democracy.
So here is a list. This list was started in Jan 2023 and is the endeavor of a single person, so it is certainly not a comprehensive list. Readers are strongly encouraged to submit new names and rationales.
For some of these people the risk they present and the rationales justifying their inclusion is more than a single web page should contain. In those, anticipated, cases the person will be awarded with a page dedicated just to them.
Begin with the most dangerous of them all. The highest placed official who presents possibly the greatest danger of all.
Representative, Republican, 23rd district of California
He was removed from office on 3 Oct 2023, but not because was bad for the country. There was no given specific reason for removal. He was removed, in large part, because he negotiated with the Democrats. This speaks extremely badly for the Republicans.
On 7 Jan, 2023, he was elected Speaker of the House. The line of succession to the presidency is:
1. Vice President
2. Speaker of the House of Representatives
If this vice-president is a heart beat away from the presidency, the speaker is but two heartbeats away. This is extremely worrisome.
(Side Note: Although this web master did not watch all the House activities for his election, it was noticed that not one member of the house stood up to debate the worthiness of McCarthy to be a member of the House, much less the Speaker. Not one. This is judged to be a black mark against all those who remained silent.)
On Jan 6, 2021, McCarthy voted with the 147 Republicans to overturn the election. There was absolutely no evidence of election fraud, malfeasance, or even just erroneous counting. Absolutely none. They voted on the word of Trump and him alone. This by itself, in-my-not-so-humble-opinion, disqualifies each and every one of them from holding any governmental office.
Still, the list of disqualifications is more than this page can bear.
He is a Republican from Louisiana and was voted into the Speaker’s role on Wed, 25 October 2023, three weeks and a day after McCarthy was ousted. He did indeed vote to overturn the 2020 election and the same notes for McCarthy apply to Johnson.
He is very much a Trump ally. This makes him fundamentally unfit for any role in government. He is an avowed Christian Nationalist and full of hate for all the non-binary people of the world. This hate is a common theme with the Republican party.
He works to prevent abortion in fundamentally all cases. Women, you get no say in possibly the single most important healthcare issue of your life.
He is against supporting Ukraine in their defense against Putin. Combine this with his alliance with Trump and the result is support of the most important dictators of the world. Not a good sign for someone in high office of the leading democracy of the world.
Representative, Republican, 1st district of Florida
Upon hearing that Gaetz did not vote for McCarthy, the
thought was, maybe he has learned something. That thought was destroyed by the
knowledge that he nominated and voted for Trump as Speaker of the House.[1] What?? !! You
must be kidding. Nope, not kidding, he did that. This can only mean a few
things. Indeed only two possibilities, one or the other. 1. He is out to
destroy our democracy. Plain, simple, clear. That is the clear and even
explicit goal of Trump 2. If not that, he is, just flat out, plain and simple,
too stupid to hold to any government office.
There are no if / and / buts here. Trump wants to be dictator for life. He
has said so. If Gaetz cannot understand that, he is dumber than the proverbial
box of rocks.
More Soon
This is just the first few paragraphs. More to be added soon. Fuel for this fire is solicited and strongly encouraged.
[1] Headline: Gaetz votes for, then formally nominates, Trump for speaker of the House.